Welcome to our friendly dental practice
Our focus is on providing the very bestdental care and oral hygiene for our patients
Bev’s Taking on the 3 Peaks Challenge for the Motor
We’re excited to share that our team member Bev is taking on the 3 Peaks Challenge to raise money for the Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Association.
Read moreWeLoveTeeth is a proud supporter of Operation Smile
Along with Align Technology, we are delighted to support Operation Smile UK. Align UK is taking on the challenge of raising £50,000 to support the work of Operation Smile
Read moreVIDEO: Adam’s reaction after his braces were removed is priceless!
We loved Adam’s reaction to seeing his new smile revealed after a period of wearing Fixed braces. Watch the video below.
Read moreReport finds that parents should take their children to the
six months. These early appointments should be routine pleasant experiences in which the dentist checks the milk teeth are coming through properly as well as giving advice on diet and brushing teeth.
Read moreOur new CEREC Machine allows Crowns to be fitted in
WeLoveTeeth has recently invested in the CEREC system which allows us to produce ceramic dental restoration using advanced computer software in a single visit to the practice.
Read moreOur latest treatment room was built to fit in your
It’s not just full of the latest technology like Airflow, Digital X-rays and Laser Dentistry. The extra space means we can offer more appointment times when you really want them.
Read moreSmile and you could get a better job!
That’s the surprising result of a BUPA survey of over 2000 people. Two thirds of respondents considered a good smile to be ‘an important asset’ at work.
Read moreEarly Orthodontics could mean less Treatment Later
The American Association of Orthodontics recommends all children receive an orthodontic screening by the age of 7. That’s for a very good reason as permanent teeth begin to come in at around 6 or 7 years old.
Read moreSnoring? Why visit WeLoveTeeth
People don’t like the sound of snoring or anyone knowing they do. The problem can be more than embarrassing however.
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